“5 Ways to Well-being”

We encourage everyone to choose “330 micro-break” activities that promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being in accordance with the “5 Ways to Well-being”. By persistently practicing 330 micro break through these activities, we can gradually build a fulfilling life.

  • Take Notice

    Curiosity drives exploration, making us more attentive to the external world and improving our awareness of our surroundings. By discovering the small pleasures in our daily lives, we can appreciate the beauty around us. Curiosity and awareness also help us understand our own physical and mental states, enabling us to take care of our own needs.

    We can:

    • Set aside some time to fully experience the “present moment”, focusing on understanding our own physical and mental needs, as well as savoring the wonderful things or sensations of that moment. Of course, being fully present at all times is even better
    • Continue to practice mindfulness to help us increase our awareness
    • Do Gratitude Practice and appreciate the wonderful people and things around us with a sense of thankfulness, which can help us experience and accumulate more positive emotions

  • Be Active

    Physical fitness is the foundation of physical and mental health. Both high- and low-intensity exercise can benefit our well-being, and consistency is the key. Moving our body a little bit every day not only adds vitality to our body and mind, but also helps to release endorphins, which makes us feel more relaxed and happy, reduces feelings of stress and anxiety, and can help us sleep.

    We can:

    • Get to know different types of exercise, making it easier to choose exercise activities that we enjoy and can stick with
    • Simple stretching exercises are also a good choice! Stretching in the morning before going out, during a break at work or before going to bed is also a good time to stretch
    • Stay focused when exercising, paying attention to what our body needs and feels, and putting aside our worries for the time being
    • Exercise not only helps us stay physically fit, but also serves as a social activity

  • Give

    There is a scientific basis for the saying that “helping others is the foundation of happiness”. Studies have shown that when we give without expecting anything in return, we feel a sense of joy and satisfaction, and our brains release dopamine, which makes us feel happy and relaxed. Research has also demonstrated that people who are generous and kind-hearted experience more positive emotions and fewer negative emotions when under stress.

    We can:

    • Show kindness by doing small and simple things, such as nodding, smiling, or saying ‘hello’ to the people we meet
    • Proactively assist those in need
    • Prepare food or items that our loved ones need or desire
    • Participate in volunteer work to bring positive impacts to others or the environment

  • Connect

    “Joy shared with others are more enjoyed”. Establishing connections with others can help us feel a sense of closeness, establish a sense of belonging and self-worth, and provide us with opportunities to share life experiences or receive support from others. It is encouraged that we spend more time with family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, people in our community, and even our pets. Whether it’s everyday conversations, spending time together, or intentionally planning activities to experience together, it can nourish our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

    We can:

    • Build quality relationships. Stay focused when spending time with others, savour the time spent together, create good memories, and enhance relationships
    • Make good use of social media to stay in touch with family and friends, share joy or convey care
    • Expand our social circle or have more conversations with new friends we meet
    • Pets are also a part of the family. By focusing on each other’s company, we can spend quality time together

  • Keep Learning

    “Learning has no limits”. There are always new things in life worth exploring, and rediscovering old interests can bring us a new perspective. Both can add variety and freshness to our lives, and achieving learning goals can give us a sense of fulfillment. Keeping the motivation and passion for learning at all times can naturally enrich our lives and make them full of surprises.

    We can:

    • Approach new things in life with curiosity, and enjoy and learn from the variety of fresh experiences
    • Set “learning tasks” for ourselves, which can be simple or complex. The most important thing is to choose something that we are interested in, such as learning to cook a dish
    • Use different modes and methods to make learning easy and convenient for ourselves, such as visiting exhibitions, reading books, or participating in online courses and instructional videos

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